How to get from Paris to Nice - all the ways


We will tell you about all the ways to get from Paris to Nice on your own. Which transport is faster and cheaper? Timetables and fares. Where to buy tickets and how to save money.

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How to get from Paris to Nice by train

The distance between the capital of France and the city on the Cote d'Azur by roads is 960 km. One of the most convenient ways to get from Paris to Nice on your own is by train.

schedule... Paris - Nice TGV trains start from Gare de Lyon and arrive at the station Ville... Several trains run daily - direct and with a change in Marseille and Lyon. Direct trains leave at 9:07, 10:19, 15:07 and 16:02. The journey takes 6-7 hours. The fastest train will take you to your destination in 5.5 hours.

Where can I buy a ticket... For Paris - Nice trains, it is easy to buy tickets online on the Russian-language service Omio or on the SNCF railway website. Tickets are not cheap - from 55 euros. After payment, the ticket will be sent to your e-mail as a PDF file. Print it out and come to boarding.

Tickets can also be purchased at ticket offices and electronic machines. If you buy tickets before departure, they will cost between 106 and 175 euros.

How to save... Get your ticket 1-2 months before your trip and you will spend only 55 euros.

Find out about your vacation in Nice.

How to get by bus from Paris to Nice

The cheapest way to get from Paris to Nice on your own is by bus. The ride will take a long time - from 13.5 to 22 hours.

schedule... Buses from Paris to Nice depart from bus stations Bercy seine and Massy-Palaiseau, and arrive at the city bus station Gare routière vauban or to Nice airport - Cote d'Azur (Aéroport Nice Côte d'Azur)... Buses run from 8:30 am to 11:30 pm and there are no more than 5 direct flights per day.

Where can I buy a ticket... Mostly tourists buy tickets for the Paris - Nice buses at the ticket offices of the bus stations. In order not to waste time on the queue, buy them online on the Russian-language Omio service or the website of the Flixbus carrier. Tickets cost between 29 and 110 euros.

How to save... If you can easily endure a long trip and want to save on hotel costs, buy a ticket for the Paris - Nice night bus. It leaves at 22:45 and arrives at 12:20.

Airplane from Paris to Nice

Where can I find cheap tickets? Use the search engines Aviasales and Skyscanner to compare prices of all airlines. Find out the secrets of finding cheap flights.

You can get from Paris to Nice by Air France and EasyJet. At the peak of the tourist season, the number of flights rises to 30. Planes take off from Paris airports Orly (ORY) and Charles de Gaulle (CDG)while landing at Nice airport Cote D'Azur (NCE).

The flight lasts a little over 1.5 hours. Add to that the time you spend traveling to and from the airport, waiting for your flight, going through passport control and claiming your luggage. Keep in mind that planes do not fly at night.

A roundtrip ticket in summer costs from 6,500 rubles (92 euros). The cheapest tickets without luggage are offered by a low-cost airline EasyJet.

BlaBlaCar ride

It is expensive to travel by taxi from Paris to Nice - 800-850 euros. It is much more convenient to find fellow travelers in order to share the travel expenses. There are profitable options on the popular BlaBlaCar service. To see the offers from drivers, enter the desired date and time.

By car from Paris to Nice

For traveling with children or with friends, it is convenient to get from Paris to Nice by a rented car. The road will take 8-8.5 hours. The cheapest way is to rent an economy-class car at any of the Paris airports with a return in the same place - so the car will cost from 20 euros per day. If you rent in Nice, then the cost will increase dramatically. In addition, you will need money for gasoline, toll roads and parking. Find out all the nuances of car rental abroad.

How to save... It is more profitable to take a car for a few days. You will not only get from Paris to Nice, but also check out other interesting cities - Marseille and Lyon.

What is the best way to get from Paris to Nice

The cheapest, but inconvenient and longest option to get from Paris to Nice is by bus. If you choose a night flight, you can save on the hotel.

The fastest and most popular way to get there is by air. If you book your tickets in advance, they won't cost too much.

For couples without children, young travelers and tourists who do not have bulky luggage, trains are suitable. Modern comfortable TGV trains run between Paris and Nice, which have spacious saloons, high windows and soft armchairs with armrests. There are comfortable coffee tables between the seats.

The road with fellow travelers will appeal to everyone who does not want to overpay for the transfer. It is convenient to order a taxi for traveling with children. If you want to save money, rent a car.
