Holidays on Koh Samui (Thailand): my experience and reviews of tourists in 2021


Author: Tatiana

Well, travelers, looking for a vacation resort? I will answer the main question - is it worth going on vacation to Koh Samui?

  • My name is Tatiana, and I can refute or confirm any reviews of tourists about Koh Samui.
  • All because I have been living on the island for the second year - this is my home!

If you read the description of the resort, and then the reviews about the country, it will become clear that some vacationers received not what they came to Samui for. Not surprisingly, tourists are often given incorrect information: they do not warn about low tides, they advise the wrong months for the trip. I want to fix this so you can see the island through my eyes!

Where is the best place to relax on Koh Samui? My review

Koh Samui is the kind of Thailand that you won't hear from colleagues at work. It is still a "wild" island, not as infrastructure developed as Phuket or Pattaya. therefore you can't do without a rented bike - and this is the main thing from which it is worth starting from when choosing an area.

  • If two-wheeled vehicles are prohibited, you Chaweng... Everything is nearby: a large shopping center, and party bars, restaurants, massage parlors, and shops with souvenirs and fruits. The most tourist beach is an area on Koh Samui.
  • I choose quiet, even "remote" areas for rest and life, such as Ban Tai or Taling Ngam.
  • Something between relaxation and movement - Maenam and Lamai... I always recommend them to my friends and acquaintances.

I describe in more detail about each of the beach areas below.

Season on Koh Samui

View from the lookout (Angthong National Park)

I have studied the weather "in practice" inside and out, so now there will be a revelation: the tourist season on Koh Samui is NOT winter. Everyone is used to thinking that this is like in Phuket.

But no! When it's ideal time in Phuket, the rainy season rages on Koh Samui.

Unlucky holiday months: October-January.
Still flying in October? Okay, but at least in the first half of the month, when the rains are not so frequent. In January, you can think about a trip in the second half.

  • In November and December would not recommend Koh Samui to anyone. There are a lot of cloudy days. In December 2018, I didn’t leave my house for a week because it rained nonstop. Do not look at the cheerful bloggers from Instagram, look at any review about the weather during this time - and you will see the real picture.
  • Interestingly, the storm and waves are not about Koh Samui. There are no strong sea waves like in Phuket during the rainy season. Therefore, they say that you can swim.

Best months on Koh Samui: February-August.
Hottest days: April, May and June.

  • In April that year, the temperature during the day rose to +33 degrees, while it felt like everything +40. You can also choose a vacation to catch Songkran - Thai New Year (April 13-15, 2021). Fun party! Everyone and all Thais are doused with water from water pistols and buckets.
  • Comfortable time without hellish heat: in February and in March... This weather on Koh Samui is my favorite: warm, but not sweltering heat. A beach vacation can be extended for 2-3 hours a day without turning into boiled shrimp.

But still, without sunscreen, I do not risk sunbathing - be sure to apply SPF 50, no lower. For my friends, for the second or third time, I throw coconut oil for a real Thai even tan (you can buy it at any store).

What month can you go to Koh Samui:

JanFebMarchAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctBut IDec

What is the best way to get to Koh Samui?

On Koh Samui, as well as to Thailand in general, Russians do not need a visa. You can freely visit for up to 30 days.

They get to the island in two ways. One is more confused than the other 🙂

Tour trip.
So, the first one is to buy a tour. They are not cheap, in the season the minimum prices are from 120,000 for two for 10 nights. In the "low" period - from 110,000 rubles.
You can compare the cost for all tour operators at once and find out if there are departures from your city on the online aggregators:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • Onlinetours

There are no direct flights from Russia to Samui. Therefore:

- if the tour operator works with charters, the transfer will be in Phuket - you will be put on a 4-hour bus to the pier, and then on an hour-long ferry to Koh Samui.

- if the tour operator includes a regular flight in the package, then a connection in Bangkok and an hour flight to Koh Samui.

Well, then, in both versions, the biggest plus of the package trip follows: an organized transfer from the airport to the hotel.

Drive on your own.
Putting together an independent trip (the choice of many):

  • We book on Skyscanner or Aviasales:
    - Air tickets to Bangkok - from 25,000 rubles per person round-trip.
    - Air tickets Bangkok-Samui - from 12,000 rubles per person per season.
  • On RoomGuru (hotels and guesthouses) or Airbnb (apartments and apartments) we are looking for accommodation:
    - room in a 3 * hotel - from 1300 rubles per night for two.
    - apartments - from 2500 rubles per night for two.
  • Don't forget what is most often missed - insurance! For 2 weeks on Koh Samui, the policy costs ≈ 1000 rubles per person (I take it on Cherehapa or
  • Samui Airport is located close to Chaweng Beach, and a minibus transfer will cost ≈ 150 baht (315 rubles) per person. To other resorts ≈ 150-200 baht (315-420 rubles).

Backpacker life hack. From Bangkok to Koh Samui, I chose a longer, but cheaper way to get there - not by plane, but by a combo bus + ferry. Travels on the roads for 10-11 hours and on the sea for 1-2 hours, it costs 2000-3000 rubles. From personal experience, I advise you to buy tickets online in advance. I am using the 12GoAsia website.

The third way (author's).
It seems to me that only my parents use it :) They buy on the aggregator the cheapest tour to Pattaya for 12 days, relax and have fun there for several days and then fly from Bangkok to me on Koh Samui for 5-7 days.

Reviews of tourists about the beaches on Koh Samui

Beach on an excursion to Angthong (photo # 2)

Guess the most popular question I'm asked. Tanya, where is it better to rest on Koh Samui ??? 🙂

The island has beautiful beaches, golden - and somewhere white - sand and turquoise water. It is difficult to miscalculate with the place, and in general, a good beach on Koh Samui is any beach if you catch its high season. To make it easier for you to navigate, I have compiled a rating of beaches. Go!

  • Bophut

    Bophut beach

    Whether it is a family vacation or a party trip, Bophut beach is suitable for everyone. It closes the top three beaches with developed infrastructure (together with Chaweng and Lamai).

    All thanks to the local Samui attraction - Fisherman's Village. When I moved to the island, for the first months I lived on Bophut, and this village by the beach, with its cozy cafes and shops, became my favorite place. There is a downside - this is one of the most expensive areas on the island.

    In the evening, Thais set up their tents and the village turns into a night market. You can watch the sunrise or watch the evening fire show on the soft pillows of the beach cafe Coco tams... The most instagram cafe on Bophut :) I don't order food because of the high prices, but cocktails from 130 baht - yes.

    Verdict: Bophut is calm, beautiful and expensive.

    CriterionScore (10 - maximum)
    The purity of the sea8
    The cleanliness of the beach8
    Beach length10
    Night life8
    Vacation with children9


    If you read the reviews of tourists about the holidays in Koh Samui in 2019, most of them will be in Chaweng. I would compare the area with the atmosphere of Patong in Phuket.

    Here you can find absolutely everything for a vacationer, you don't even need to go anywhere. The sand is white, fine, the water is clear, and in summer it is turquoise and very beautiful. There are clubs and bars along the entire length of the beach. You can buy cocktails - for example, my favorite Mai Tai for 100 baht - and lie on a sun lounger all day long.

    I usually do not sail on Chaweng, as it is crowded for me. I come for shopping and beach parties - you can dance on the sand at any bar, as well as watch a fire show (from popular - Ark bar and Green mango). In the evening there is a night market with clothes, souvenirs, fruits.

    Verdict: Chaweng on Koh Samui is the most famous.

    CriterionScore (10 - maximum)
    The purity of the sea9
    The cleanliness of the beach9
    Beach length10
    Night life10
    Vacation with children4


    As a long-liver on the island, I can say that Lamai and Chaweng always compete with each other among tourists. Everyone proves that their beach is better :)

    For me, Lamai is something in between: on the one hand, it is not crowded and calm, on the other hand, there are large Macro and Tesco Lotus shops, souvenir shops, cafes, massage parlors nearby. There is not as much entertainment on the beach as on Chaweng. My friends - and judging by the reviews not only they - choose this beach for families with children.

    If you find yourself on Lamai, take a look at the place No Stress - cafes of European and Thai cuisine. Order one shake and you will be able to stay on a sun lounger under an umbrella for free. Plus, they provide a towel. The food is delicious, I like to order fried shrimps and as mentioned, necks (90 baht).

    Verdict: Lamai is the golden mean.

    CriterionScore (10 - maximum)
    The purity of the sea9
    The cleanliness of the beach9
    Beach length10
    Night life9
    Vacation with children9

    Mae Nam

    Maenam, unlike the previous beaches, is oh-oh-very quiet. Ideal for couples with children, and for those who want to spend a vacation in complete relaxation, paying attention only to the sound of the sea.

    The beach is quite large, standard entertainment is present: bananas, jet skis. But they are few in comparison with Chaweng, so they do not disturb the calm atmosphere.

    Many palms located close to the water, you can hide in the shade at noon. By the way, pay attention to coconuts. It is advisable that they are not there, as sometimes they fall. Take a towel to the beach, sun loungers on Maenam only for hotel guests.

    Those who want to have fun in the evening will have to go to Chaweng (10 minutes on the bike) - in the evening everything freezes with roosters.

    Verdict: Maenam is for relaxation.

    CriterionScore (10 - maximum)
    The purity of the sea9
    The cleanliness of the beach9
    Beach length9
    Night life4
    Vacation with children8

    Coral Cove

    Coral Cove Beach and Hin Ta Hin Yai

    The best beach on Koh Samui for me is Coral Cove. It is small and surrounded by huge stones on both sides, which creates a private atmosphere. The most wild beach with blue water and untouched nature.

    Close to the rocks - a great snorkeling spot. There is another secret piece of the beach. If you stand facing the sea, then on your right hand you will see large stones. Go around them - there, between two huge boulders, this spot is located.

    There is only one cafe from the infrastructure. But here you can eat deliciously and inexpensively. Everything else will have to be reached by transport. I would not stay in local hotels - it makes no sense to travel too far.

    Verdict: Coral Cove is a cool beach for a day when everything is boring.

    CriterionScore (10 - maximum)
    The purity of the sea10
    The cleanliness of the beach10
    Beach length4
    Night life4
    Vacation with children8

Breakfasts at TreeHouse on Maenam (photo 1)

Koh Samui prices

Thailand's currency is baht. To convert price tags to rubles, multiply the amount by ≈ 2.

Ok, Google, reviews of prices on Koh Samui. What? Too expensive? Not like in Pattaya? Hmm.

What is really expensive on Koh Samui?

  • Public transport. Travel to songteo - 100 baht. That is why they are not developed here, tourists prefer bikes. Taxi - from 800 baht and above.
  • Elite housing and villas. Once we wanted to rent a villa for a month, but the prices of 40,000 baht and above made us change our minds.
  • Tours - yes, a ticket from Russia costs from 120,000 rubles.

As for everything else, the plus or minus prices are the same as in all of Thailand!

Food and groceries

Although the island is small, it still has all the necessary shops. And 24-hour Family Mart and 7 Eleven help out all the time.

Where to buy groceries.

  1. Central Festival Shopping Center. Many clothing and souvenir shops. If you are here, be sure to try the ice cream from the van on the second floor - it is divine and costs 50 baht.
  2. Big C on Bophut... I prefer the tents with clothes around it: you can buy anything from 100 baht. On the second floor there is a food court where you can refuel with Thai food or steaks and fries.
  3. Tesco Lotus on Lamai and Bophut. There are also food courts, but there is more variety than Big C: sushi, seafood, coffee and desserts (donuts, cakes).
  4. Night markets. For example, every Sunday opens around 6pm on Lamai. Everything is delicious and cheap. Shrimp in batter is simply space - 50 baht per serving. It is also worth trying sushi, sold by the piece for 10 baht. I put on 10 and eat up.

Fruit prices.
The same as elsewhere, and depend on the season. I buy fruit in markets or along roads where there are many stalls. Sometimes big trucks come and mangoes are sold for 100 baht for 3 kg!

Prices per kilogram:

  • Mango - from 50 baht
  • Jack fruit - from 40 baht
  • Durian - from 120 baht (packing)
  • Dragon fruit - from 50 baht
  • Pineapples - from 30 baht
  • Cucumbers - from 20 baht
  • Tomatoes - from 50 baht

Where to eat - cafe on Koh Samui

Jungle Club / Coco Tams cafe-observation deck on Bophut

A list of popular and proven places where you can eat deliciously not only by me:

  • Treehouse (Maenam). This is definitely love! A cozy place, you can sit at tables overlooking the sea. Prices are not high, you can order lunch for one for 100 baht. I recommend trying the large fruit pancake and fruit necks. There are so many of them that vacation is not enough to try. And do not forget that everything is spicy in Asia - say the magic spell "no spicy" and they will bring you unpeppered food.
  • Chi samui (Bophut). It is worth visiting here not because of the food, but mostly because of the interior and infinity pool with a beautiful view of the bay. Not the cheapest place, prices from 300 to 900 baht per person, but worth it. In the evening after 5 pm you can listen to live music, watch the sunset and enjoy the fire show. Perfect for dating!
  • Duomo (Chaweng). Italian restaurant. The owner of the restaurant is an Italian who personally greets the guests and communicates with them. Pizza price - from 220 baht.
  • Cucumbers (Lamai). Yes, this is a Russian cafe. For families with picky children and for those who missed dumplings or borscht :) Inexpensive, lunch for two was 300 baht.
  • El dorado (Lamai). My favorite restaurant. Dinner for two - 800 baht to overeat, the grill mix alone is worth it! The portions are large and everything is so tasty that you don't regret the money spent for a second. Caution, such taste sensations are addictive - my friends, after the recommendation, do not perceive other food on Koh Samui :)
  • Jungle club (Chaweng). A stunning place: this is both a cafe and an observation deck at the same time. Located on one of the peaks of Koh Samui. The food, I will say right away, is expensive, we usually come to enjoy the view and drink cocktails, their cost is from 170 baht. Photos from there are the coolest!

The best hotels on Koh Samui - how to choose?

The choice of the hotel follows after deciding on the beach: you need a quiet one or a party. I have compiled a list of worthy hotels according to the words of friends, acquaintances, as well as analyzing the latest reviews from vacationers:

  • 4 * Chaweng Noi Pool Villa (Chaweng) - convenient that the hotel has a free shuttle to the Central Festival shopping center.
    Tour price: from 155,000 rubles for 10 nights for two
    Self-armor: $ 45 per night
  • 3 * Ibis Samui Bophut is a proven chain hotel with good service.
    Tour price: from 155,000 rubles
    Self-Armor: $ 65 per night
  • 3 * Samui Verticolor (Chaweng) - near the hotel you can rent a bike from the Russians.
    Tour price: from 140,000 rubles
    Self-armor: $ 30 per night
  • 3 * Aloha Resort (Lamai) - plus the hotel: location right on the shore of Lamai beach.
    Tour price: from 160,000 rubles
    Self-armor: $ 60 per night
  • 4 * Centara Villas Samui (Natien) is my favorite hotel: private villas, secluded beach, few people. I would describe this place as a romantic nest for lovers who want peace and the opportunity to be alone. All entertainment is far away, but there is a shuttle service from the hotel, most importantly, do not forget to sign up for it in advance.
    Tour price: from 170,000 rubles
    Self-armor: $ 100 per night

For an independent trip, each of the hotels can be booked on RoomGuru or Booking.

Transport on the island

People come to Koh Samui to explore the island, visit all the interesting places, observation platforms with incredible views. You can't do without transport on the island.

Renting a bike does not require a license. Cost - from 200 baht per day, cars - from 600-700 baht per day.

What I DO NOT recommend doing:

  • Riding in the rain, as the road becomes very slippery, is dangerous to drive.
  • To ride without a helmet, otherwise you risk not only your safety, but also unnecessary expenses: fines - 500 baht per person.
  • Leave your passport as collateral for bike rental. Better to give a photocopy or a bond. The latter is returned after returning the bike back.

What else you need to know about the ways to get around the island:

  • You can use minibuses - songteo, but they do not always run, and mainly in the Bophut and Chaweng areas. The cost of one trip is 100 baht.
  • Taxi is also an expensive pleasure - a trip around the island will cost on average 700-800 baht, regardless of the distance. To the airport - from 1000 baht.

Entertainment and excursions on Koh Samui

Viewpoint on Nan Yuan Island / Excursion to Angthong

A vacation at the sea is not a vacation without ... excursions! So, what interesting excursions are worth taking if you are on Koh Samui:

  1. Boat excursion to Angthong National Park.
  2. Excursion to the islands of Ko Tao and Ko Nan Yuan. For an adult 1400 baht, for a child 1200 baht.
  3. Jeep Safari - sightseeing tour of the island. For an adult 1300 baht, for a child 1100 baht.

On all these excursions, I was a guide and personally accompanied my tourists. Emotions and positive, grateful reviews from each group of tourists about these excursions to Koh Samui convinced me even more that the island has something to surprise us with.

If you want to see the island on your own, I have prepared for you a list of attractions with the code name "must see":

  • Stones Hin Ta and Hin Yai or Grandmother and Grandfather. Located on Lamai. What is special about them? The fact is that in shape they resemble male and female genitals, and many tourists come to take a photo and make a wish about replenishment in the family. On site, I recommend trying coconut caramel in sesame seeds (75 baht sachet) and natural ice cream, beautifully decorated in coconut and decorated with flowers.
  • Waterfalls Namuang 2 and Namuang 1. Over 80 meters high! There is a farm in front of the waterfalls where you can feed the elephants.
  • Big Buddha. Here you can tie a string at the monk's place and make a wish. It is free, but it is recommended to leave a donation.
  • Paradise Park. Adult ticket - 400 baht, child ticket - 300 baht. The huge territory of the park where you can feed the animals, take a walk and enjoy the nature and panorama of the island. But what many come to the park for is the infinity pool, the view from which is breathtaking!

On this, there are more interesting places on Koh Samui. Ideal if you have the opportunity to cycle the island by bike and stop at all the beautiful places along the way.

Don't forget about massage. If you order Thai, I recommend taking the course - do it every other day. By the end of the vacation, everyone who had a backache or had clamps does not remember the pain. The cost of traditional Thai massage is 300 baht.

Of course, compared to Phuket or Pattaya, Koh Samui seems to be a village, but here, too, life is in full swing at night. Clubs and bars on Chaweng are closed only in the morning. You can play billiards for free with the purchase of any cocktail.

For clubbers, head to Nikki Beach, the island's trendiest spot for some of the coolest pool parties. Every year in January, February or March, the famous White Party takes place here. The dress code is white.

Pros and cons of Samui

Frequent myths and misconceptions about the island:

  • The best holiday season is winter.
    * remember that reviews of tourists about holidays in Thailand are more common about Phuket and Pattaya. And Samui is not far away, so everyone is in the way. No, the island has a completely different cycle of seasons.
  • Everything is very expensive here.
    * transport, tours - yes, all other components of the rest - are equivalent to Phuket.
  • Samui is a remote village, boring and nothing to do.
    * visit Chaweng at night, and if the picture does not convince you, come and argue in the comments :)

Is it better to go to Koh Samui or Phuket? Each of them is beautiful in its own way. But for the first time I will still recommend Phuket. Because it is easier, more tourist-friendly, wider Russian-speaking environment.

Should you go on vacation to Koh Samui? Of course yes! Koh Samui is a fairly popular place; many stars, YouTube and Instagram bloggers rest on the island. For example, the family of Sergei Zhukov has their own villa here. And judging by their reviews of Koh Samui, they really love the resort.

How much money should I take with me?

The budget consists of the cost of the tour / hotel tickets + additional costs for food, excursions, shopping, transport, entertainment (bars, alcohol, etc.).

  • minimum budget: from 110,000 rubles tour / 80,000 rubles samotour + add. expenses of 50,000 rubles.
  • average budget: from 130,000 rubles tour / 110,000 rubles samotour + add. expenses of 70,000 rubles.

These are only average figures, if you look at the reviews of tourists about Koh Samui for 2020. By the way, not a single friend of mine has yet been able to take back the money taken in reserve. There is always something to spend it on.

Reading the satisfied reviews of tourists about Koh Samui, I understand that I live in a heavenly place, because many dream of returning here again, and I have the opportunity to enjoy the island every day. So why do those who live by the sea so rarely come to it? Mystery of the century.

My advice

If you are tired of the standard vacation, then here are some tips on how to entertain yourself on Koh Samui:

  • Go to Koh Phangan. It has a special atmosphere and even wilder beaches. Ferries leave from Nathon and Raja Ferry piers. The ticket costs 150 baht. And if with a bike, then 200 baht. Travel time is 1.5 hours. You may be able to catch the famous Full Moon Party, which takes place every month at the full moon. People from all over the world come to the beach. Many people come to the island just for this party, where everyone dances on the beach until the morning.
  • Go to Koh Tan Island. Can be reached by speed boat in 15 minutes. For fans of extreme sports, you can rent a kayak for the whole day for 500 baht and swim on your own. Travel time is from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. There you can dive with masks and watch seahorses. There are a lot of them, and they are not at all afraid of people.
