What to take with you on the train


A list of things to take with you on the train: food, clothing, hygiene products, entertainment, medicine. Additionally - what to take with you on the train for your child.

If the train journey is long - a day or more, the question naturally arises of what to take with you on the train: what hygiene products you need, what food to pick up on the road, what to take for entertainment, and so on. And if a child is traveling with you, you need to think over his leisure time with special care, because not all passengers are pleased with the sonorous children's voices that carry around the car. With our extensive train travel experience, we have compiled a list of what to take on the train. Separately, we discuss what to take on the train from food - including for a child.

We highly recommend that you also read our detailed instructions on collecting things for a trip - useful information about what things to take and what not, as well as life hacks for collecting documents for the trip.

Documents and money

We advise you to put documents, tickets, phone and money in a small bag, which will always be with you, in order to avoid theft and loss. It is better to take cash exactly as much as you need for food and travel (with a small margin for unforeseen expenses), keep the rest on the card.


It is difficult to imagine a modern person without gadgets - everyone uses at least a mobile phone. Well, on the train, with the help of technology, you can pass the time perfectly.

A list of what you can take with you on the train:

  • mobile phone - it is better not to completely waste the battery if you need to call or inform about your arrival upon arrival;
  • player - sometimes you really want to detach yourself from the people around you: from noise, din, conversations, crying children, etc.;
  • laptop - for work, games or watching movies;
  • tablet - an alternative to a bulky laptop;
  • reader for reading e-books - it weighs little, holds a battery charge for a long time;
  • camera.

Don't forget to bring all chargers!

Hygiene products

Hygiene products should be packed in a small plastic bag or cosmetic bag in advance.

List of things to take with you on the train:

  • toothbrush and paste
  • antibacterial wet wipes
  • paper napkins
  • toilet paper
  • a bar of soap
  • comb
  • mirror
  • deodorant
  • for women - make-up remover, cotton pads and cotton swabs.

Clothes and footwear

Everything is simple here - have comfortable changeable clothes that do not hinder your movements, so that you can sleep comfortably in them. The choice of clothes depends on the season and the temperature in the carriage: it can be shorts, breeches, trousers or jeans, on top - a T-shirt, shirt, turtleneck or jacket. In summer, dress lightly, as non-branded trains have no air conditioning and are very stuffy, and in the cold season, warm yourself so as not to catch a cold - it can blow heavily from the windows. True, it can be hot on branded trains even in winter.

On the train, choose shoes that are easy to take off (slippers, flip-flops, sandals). Have removable socks.

First aid kit

Wherever you go, you should always have your mini first aid kit with you. You do not know how your stomach will perceive unfamiliar food and water and whether you will be allergic to new plants, and therefore always have with you on trips:

  • pain relievers;
  • remedies for diarrhea and for improving digestion;
  • antipyretic drugs;
  • drugs that relieve cold symptoms;
  • antihistamines;
  • individual medicines for chronic diseases.


You can choose what to take with you on the train. We can recommend, in addition to a tablet with movies and a player, to bring a notebook with pencils if you like to draw, and books if you like to read. Well, where without traditional crosswords (scanwords, Japanese crosswords, Sudoku, and so on)! You can take small chess, cards, board games.

What to take with your child on the train

When going on a trip with your child, take more entertainment with you on the train - your favorite toys, an album with markers and pencils, coloring books, books with pictures or stickers, educational and logic games, puzzles - in general, something that will take him seriously and for a long time. If the child is small, then diapers, diapers and baby food, a nipple are needed.

What kind of food should a child take on the train? Take what he loves. Save sweet things - sweets, cookies, gingerbread, chocolate. In general, there should be no problems of what to take with your child on the train - take the same as for yourself.

What to take on the train from food

The train and food are already inseparable things in our minds. As soon as the train starts to move, the passengers begin to rustle with packages, and the smells of chicken, boiled eggs, Rollton and sausage spread throughout the car. Do you remember? Now let's figure out what kind of food to take on the train, if you do not plan to eat in a restaurant car, which costs about 1000 rubles to dine in.

When buying food on the train, first of all, you need to be guided by how much it can be stored without a refrigerator. Then - how nutritious the food is and whether it tastes good when cold.

A list of what you can take on the train from food:

  • chicken;
  • boiled eggs;
  • jacket baked potatoes;
  • hard cheese (wrap in foil) or processed;
  • sliced ​​bread;
  • fried or boiled meat;
  • raw smoked sausage;
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas, oranges, tangerines, and so on);
  • vegetables (cucumbers, carrots);
  • sweets (cookies, gingerbread, candies, lollipops, crackers);
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • instant porridge;
  • tea and coffee bags;
  • sugar and salt;
  • bottled water and juice.

Sandwiches can be prepared in advance at home. It is better not to take dairy products, only if you eat and drink them right away. Also, all products can be packed in a thermal bag - they can be stored in it for about 7 hours. As for all sorts of "doshirak" and "rollton", then do not feed your stomach with chemistry - it is better to order the soup in the restaurant car.


Take a set of disposable tableware on the train - plates, forks, spoons. A plastic mug will also come in handy - it happens that the conductors do not have enough glasses (you can take them along with a teaspoon for free). Also, don't forget the jackknife.

If you are going to travel by train to Crimea, then it will be useful for you to read useful information about the "Single ticket".
