Time difference from Thailand, Phuket-Moscow


Many tourists going on vacation are concerned about the time difference Moscow - Thailand (Phuket), we will consider all the necessary information about overcoming time zones and how much time differs.

In recent years, Thailand, and in particular the island of Phuket, have become a favorite vacation spot for Muscovites. And this is not surprising - after all, in the cold and harsh winter, one wants so much to bask on the warm beaches of an exotic country. The island is located in the south of the region and is washed by the Andaman Sea, connected to the mainland by bridges.

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When traveling to the kingdom on vacation, travelers need to be well prepared. After exploring all the sights, the best beaches and the customs of the Thais, do not forget that there is a time difference with Phuket. Not paying attention to this moment, you can get into an unpleasant situation about checking into a hotel and other nuances.

The flight time is quite long - 9 hours. Moscow and Thailand have different time zones. The entire Asian country is on the same zone - UTC + 7, and Moscow is on UTC + 3. Finding out what is the time difference with Thailand Phuket - Moscow is not at all difficult, for this you need to add 4 hours to Moscow time. Let's say it's 9.00 am in Moscow, then it's already 13.00 in Thailand. A similar time difference with other resorts in Thailand, while moving around the country, there will be no time confusion.

The time difference Moscow - Phuket is not big, so it won't be difficult to get used to it. Another time in Phuket and the difference with Moscow does not cause much discomfort.

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It is better to switch the clock immediately upon arrival in Phuket, the time difference can be knocked down, and for greater reliability this can be done in Moscow. Such information should not be neglected, the fact is that the time of arrival is indicated on the plane ticket according to local time, given this fact, many misunderstandings can be avoided, including with a transfer.

On the island of Phuket, the time with Moscow has the same difference all year round, because the clocks in both Russia and Thailand are not set to daylight saving time.

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It is worth noting that daylight hours are 12 hours, sunrises can be seen at 6.10, and sunsets at 18.00.
